Here panoramic photos taken at Tayan Island Beach, inner West Borneo. It 's an "island" inside a land.
This photos is not taken via expensive DSLR but just a cheap Nikon pocket camera, three pictures are merged into one, Photoshop use extensively here ;)
A personal blog about health, camera, gadgets, books, travels, photography, architectures, gemstones, West Borneo and (almost) everything else..........
Empat Pandangan Millenium di Eskatologi
Berikut translate Bahasa Indonesia dari beberapa sumber mengenai empat pandangan study Eskatologi mengenai masa Millenium. Sebagian besar adalah berasal dari rangkuman Dr. David R. Reagan dalam website
Di akhir ringkasannya Dr David menekankan dua hal yang perlu diimani setiap peneliti Kitab Wahyu / Revelation Book:
1. All agree that Jesus is coming back for His saints. / Semua setuju bahwa Yesus akan kembali.
2. All agree that the redeemed will spend eternity in the presence of God. / Semua setuju bahwa yang ditebus (oleh Yesus) akan menikmati hidup yang kekal bersama Tuhan.
dari berbagai sumber, terutama dari
Di akhir ringkasannya Dr David menekankan dua hal yang perlu diimani setiap peneliti Kitab Wahyu / Revelation Book:
1. All agree that Jesus is coming back for His saints. / Semua setuju bahwa Yesus akan kembali.
2. All agree that the redeemed will spend eternity in the presence of God. / Semua setuju bahwa yang ditebus (oleh Yesus) akan menikmati hidup yang kekal bersama Tuhan.
dari berbagai sumber, terutama dari
Paganini 24th Caprice Madness
Have learn Paganinis's 24th Caprice in Am with your Ibanez? And think you want to show off a bit? I'm afraid these videos will demoralized you down.... LOL (j/k)
Awesomes Paganini Caprice on different music instruments:
Standard Classical Guitar, blend perfectly:
Saxophone, did it suddenly become jazzy?:
In standard classical flute (I try to find the Dizi or other exotic wind instrument but couldn't find any):
And for bandwidth saver, here more videos with stunning instruments:
with Cimbalom :
with Marimba :
Awesomes Paganini Caprice on different music instruments:
Standard Classical Guitar, blend perfectly:
Saxophone, did it suddenly become jazzy?:
In standard classical flute (I try to find the Dizi or other exotic wind instrument but couldn't find any):
Paganini on less string? No problem, here played with Er Hu, eat that metalheads!
And, did Paganini the synonym for neo-classic shredder? \m/
And for bandwidth saver, here more videos with stunning instruments:
with Cimbalom :
with Marimba :
And finally, play by the master himself: