
Singkawang Cap Go Meh 2012 - Jackie Chan

The festive of the year of Singkawang's Cap Go Meh is hyped with a rumour that international actor Jackie Chan will be visiting the site. The festive will begin Saturday 4th February 2012 until 6th February 2012. The main attractions included a replica of Chinese Great Wall and Tatung attraction. By tradition on the eve of Cap Go Meh (Sunday 5th Feb) there will be a concentrated concert and celebration at Kridasana stadium. Finally the festive will be peak on the Cap Go Meh day (6th Feb) with a street festive of Tatungs.

For more information regarding Singkawang City and its festival, follow this link to Singkawang United Website.
Isu kedatangan aktor Jackie Chan ke Singkawang mewarnai perayaan Cap Go Meh 2012.
Rumor Jackie Chan hadir di Singkawang 2012

Rumor Jackie Chan mengunjungi Singkawang... hanya rumor belaka


  1. Mana ad jacky chan ke skwg..bohong z..

  2. Kykny ini cm brta hoax....ampe hri ini ga ad satu org pun yg
    teriakin jacky chan di skwg...

  3. wow jackie in singkawang city... can't be true isn't?

  4. itu foto jacky chan waktu itu ke aceh punya,hanya isu saja jacky datang singkawang,ada yang cari ke untungan

  5. iya benar tu bohong
