
Gemstones and Natural Stones Booming in West Kalimantan 2015

Gemstones and Natural Stones Booming in West Kalimantan 2015
The Photographic Survey of Pontianak Gemstones Exhibition

The story of West Kalimantan's rich gemstone resources has reach worldwide fame many many years ago. The gold mines can be traced back as far as hundreds years ago, when the local Sultanate even "importing" Chinese miners to help digging the land.  West Borneo, as they are known in the past and the West is indeed the sources of many natural gemstones. As for West Borneo diamonds, they have been documented well in many literatures. The Landaks Diamonds rumored to be West Borneo best kept secret, located in Ngabang and get their geological resources from Kapuas River. It is no surprises then if this province of Indonesia also has many other gemstones.

By the years of 2014 in Indonesia, the whole country experienced in what we call "demam batu" or "demam akik". Simply mean (gem)stones fever. The nation wide virus come to West Kalimantan (Kalimantan  Barat) in time. The locals gemstones sellers, miners and artisans immediate welcome the enthusiast with diligent works and promotions. In West Kalimantan's capital ,Pontianak, every months since early 2015, there will be gemstones exhibition in town.

The locals enjoyed their "signature" gemstone, mainly the Kecubung stones, or Amethyst / Quartz, that widely available in the intern West Kalimantan area. The "mainstream" Kecubung stones are majority purple in colors, known as Kecubung Ungu.  The other variants are Kecubung Sempalai, orange and brown in texture, Kecubung Laut or perhaps known as Aquamarine in transparant sea green color.  There are also couple dozens of local unique stones that too exotic to even have an international names.

I will now present to my dear blog readers, a photographic survey about one of the exhibition done recently. These photos taken from the exhibition held in Rumah Randakng (Dayaknese traditional house) in May 2015. Enjoy. (written by "y" 2015 - ditulis oleh "y")

Gemstones fully "binded" (ikat) with the rings, widely available for collectors to buy in West Kalimantan gemstones exhibition

Vibrants colors of West Kalimantan gemstones in ring form, when you visit Pontianak do not missed the opportunity to see these displays

the gemstones and naturals stones also available in "pieces", you can enjoy the wide selection of the ring to combine as per your taste

super vibrant gemstones market in Pontianak city, West Kalimantan Indonesia

many gemstones from Indonesia came in display, this is Biduri stones or Moonstones

Delima Merah (red Delima) or also known as Garnet, usually compared to Ruby
one of local's best selling gemstones

West Kalimantan premiere gemstones, the Kecubung Ungu, internationally known as Amethyst

the cut Topaz stones, cut stones not so popular as they are oftenly easy to imitate or know as "batu masak",

believe it or not, some of the top selection stones are display as worth Rp. 1 Miliar , or about USD 80,000 

they are indeed beautiful, the top gemstones with rich texture inside

West Kalimantan gemstones in display

if you really want to have the bigger piece, there are available here, the uncut gemstones in its raw form

these raw gemstone / natural minerals are in sell by kilograms

raw gemstones available, enjoy your stone hunting here 

large selections of natural stones in Pontianak gemstone exhibition

All photos and texts are copyright by red-white-cross.blogspot.com

The photos above are from the sellers. If you seriously want to know more, have any questions or inquiries about the gemstones of West Kalimantan, or you wish to buy, drop us a message via this form.  Please input your emails address.

tag batu permata, batu akik, kecubung , intan , berlian, kalbar, batu delima

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