
Top 10 Infused Water with Tropical Fruits from Indonesia

Infused water had become life style among us recently. Here are my take on our available fruits in our area, Indonesia, that produced a very fresh and nice as infused water. Mostly are tropical fruits.

Infused water, atau mungkin bisa diterjemahkan sebagai "air infusi" adalah cara baru mengkonsumsi buah-buahan. Buah segar secara utuh dimasukkan ke dalam air dan setelah ditunggu kira-kira 1 jam baru diminum airnya. Dengan cara ini, diyakini hanya extract asli dari buah tersebut yang larut ke air. Sedangkan "daging" dari buah tidak perlu kita makan.  Berikut beberapa buah tropis dari Indonesia yang asyik untuk dibuat infused water.

1. Infused water with star fruit / carambola / belimbing
Star Fruit or Averrhoa carambola is one of the most common fruit in Indonesia. When the fruit already in bright yellow color they are sweet to eat. Cut it so that the "star" shape formed, the belimbing (that's how we called it in Bahasa Indonesia) will produced enormous tasty infused water. In this photo I mixed it with his cousin, the Belimbing Wuluh or Averrhoa bilimbi, which is extremely sour to add more extreme texture to the water. Try it!!

Infused water dengan buah belimbing dicampur belimbing wuluh

2. Infused water with Rambutan 
Another very common fruit, Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum). They are very sweet and the infused water with rambutan produced sweet taste.

infused water buah rambutan

3. Infused water with guava / jambu bangkok
The red guava or called as Jambu bangkok / jambu batu (Psidium guajava) has quiet bland taste. Mean they will produced neutral taste infused water but with added aroma that unique to guava. try it also!

infused water buah jambu bangkok

4. Infused water Salak 
Here another exotic fruit from the archipelago. This is salak, Salacca zalacca, The fruit had been infused into water for almost century ago by Indonesian, but they made a sweet water out of it by aging. We will do a much simpler, just bring the salak fruit into infused water and drink. The aroma drain out of the fruit into water easily and they do taste better.

Infused water Salak

5. Infused water Dragon Fruit / Pitaya / Buah Naga
The red dragon fruit (there also exist the white version of the fruit), make it extremely well blend infused water. The Pitaya, the name they are commonly popular in Thailand, considered as a very rich fruit with lot of anti-oxidant. The dragon fruit infused water recipe is simply, just the fruit and the water, infused for one hour or more.

Infused water buah naga / dragon fruit

6. Infused Water with Mango / Mangga
Another fruit that are native to our tropical country, is Mango (Mangifera). The mango fruit are naturally already sweet so as an infused water they produced nice drinking. The aroma also very nice blend in.

Mango infused water recipe

7. Infused water with Jambu Air / Water Guava / Bell shape Guava
Another cousin to guava is "water guava" or Jambu Air as known in Indonesia. The fruit is mix of sweet and sour with lots of water. It produced a simple infused water that are bland but with bit of freshness inside.

Water Guava Infused water , jambu air

8. Kiwi Infused Water
The Kiwifruit are New Zealand in originality.  They are now widely available in tropical area. The fruit is extreme taste from sour to sweet and they produced elegant infused water with it.

Infused water buah kiwi

9. Infused water with lemon
Indonesia has some variety of lemon fruit, but today we will use the "standar" lemon to make infused water. As we all love, the lemon has great texture of sour and it infused into the water easily. This are the very basic infused water we can make everyday.

Infused water with Lemon

 10. Infused water with Longan / Lengkeng 
Finally, the fruit that considered a noble by the Chinese. This is Longan or Lengkeng fruit. The longan had been distributed world wide in can by the oriental countries. They are indeed God created to be used in infused water. The fruit is naturally sweet and the infused water with longan is a royal creation, drink by the emperor of the middle land since long long time ago.

Infused water buah Lengkeng

tags: health drink, infused water recipe, tropical fruits, indonesian fruits, cara membuat air infusi

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