
Papan Nama Dokter di Pontianak

Ini merupakan posting tambahan untuk daftar-daftar dokter dan teleponnya untuk kota Pontianak.
Untuk melihat daftar-daftar dokter di Pontianak, lihat di postingan yang tersebar di link-link ini:

-  Jadwal Dokter di Klinik-Klinik Pontianak

Papan Nama Dokter di Pontianak

Papan Nama Dokter di Pontianak (Part 2)

Nomor telepon dokter di Pontianak

Papan Nama Dokter di RS Promedika Pontianak

Papan Nama RS Mitra Keluarga Jl. Abdurahman Saleh Pontianak

Dan ini adalah foto-foto Papan nama untuk dokter praktek di Pontianak. Semoga bermanfaat dan please LIKE.

Jadwal praktek dokter di Pontianak.

dr Liyono praktek di Apotik Bintang - Jl.Gajahmada deretan Ligo Mitra 735619
telepon untuk rumah - 0561 749938

dokter specialis kulit Pontianak, praktek di poliklinik RS Antonius Pontianak
dr Retno dan dr Ambar, jadwal praktek :

Dokter Khaidir Anwar (Spesialis Kandungan)
Dokter R.A. Machali. S (Ahli Bedah)
Dokter Ivan Lumban Toruan Sp.PD (Spesialis Penyakit Dalam)
Dokter Victorianus (Dokter Umum dan Akupuntur)
Apotek Merdeka Timur Pontianak
nomor telepon 731932

Dokter Hilda - Jalan Merdeka Pontianak (Seberangan Apotek Merdeka Timur)

papan nama dokter dan jadwal untuk yang praktek di RS Kharitas Bakti Pontianak
dr. Herfianto Lemena, dr. I Nyoman Sudiatmika, dr. Dyan Roshinta, dr H Agus Darmawan
dr Anthonius Kurniadi, dr. Rini Andriani, dr. Henky Hartono

papan nama dokter dan jadwal untuk yang praktek di RS Kharitas Bakti Pontianak
dr. Gde Ananta Karna, dr Marsellinus Kowira, dr Hutajulu, dr Lucky Sutanto, dr Djajono Nuradi
dr. Ali F. Siauw, dr. Gina Zafira, dr. Petrus Hasibuan, dr Budiman Gunawan
dr Luh Yuriawantini, dr. Mahyudi, dr Mitsu P.Sijabat

dr Noviati , dr Ambar Rialita, dr Risa F. Musawaris RS Kharitas Bakti Pontianak

papan nama dan jadwal dokter praktek di Apotek Kencana Jl. Gajahmada Pontianak
dr Lesmana Syahrir, dr I Ketut Sujana, Drg Laily Kadaryati,
dr Yuliana Teguh, dr Roy Simamora, dr Simon Djena Hufat
dr Harry Fadjar

dr Sahala spesialis bedah, pontianak

dr Budiman gunawan spesialis penyakit dalam pontianak,
apotek Jaya Jl Gajahmada Pontianak 0561 737542 - 737405

dr Ady Jaya Dokta , pontianak
apoktek Jaya Jl Gajahmada pontianak 0561 737542 - 737405
juga ada di apotek Seguna Jl Cokroaminoto Pontianak


International Borneo Sumpit Tournament 2012

For a long time, the Sumpit is Dayaknese weapon, for hunting and even for defensive weapon. Not to be confused with chopstick which is also called "sumpit", Sumpit is a blowgun. It is usually fatal enough to wound the target as the "arrow" (called damak) oftenly attached with poison. The Dayak tribe hold the Sumpit tradition in great shape today.

Happening in Pontianak City, capital of Kalimantan Barat (West Borneo) province in Indonesia, it is an International BOrneo Sumpit Tournament. The event runs from 5 October 2012 attracted international participant from Malaysia and others. Here are the photos impressions for the events.

all photos to be used with permission only


How to clean up thumbnail in Blackberry, help my Blackberry is Full

For Blackberry users, have you ever wondered why the not-too-smartphone take a storage beyond what visible in your pictures,videos and documents folders? That's because Blackberry do a thumbnail cache to do a fast preview on your pictures and videos, in the pictures and videos folder. A beyond belief flaw is, the system hardly can do reversed in deleting unwanted thumbnail, after the real pictures physically remove by you. This can give a frustration as the thumbnail cache continued to grow in size and finally you start to wonder who the culprit that eaten up your storage.

The thumbnail actually stored in a folder:
Media Card > Blackberry > System > Media

the last two folders are in hidden mode. So in File Manager application ,right click (click the BB button) and click Show Hidden. In the Media folder, just simply deleted whatever end in .dat , for example thumbs116x116.dat , thumbs480x480.dat , and their .key companions.

Blackberry has no real impact when deleting this, but to return it to normal, I recommend a hard reboot, mean pulled out your battery, and then put it back. After this, go to Pictures and let the smarty rebuilt its thumbnail. Voila... your storage just been cleared, and you saved yourself from formatting it.

If you put the SD card into computer , the files will not able to delete since it is Write Protected.

Pernah mengalami kepenuhan kapasitas di Blackberry? Sudah menghapus banyak photo dan videos tapi tetap saja Blackberry melaporkan kapasitas di BB kita melebihi file yang terlihat oleh kita? Ini karena di Blackberry ada "thumbnail" yang berfungsi mempercepat preview photo-photo kita. Untuk menghapus thumbnail ini masuk ke:

Media Card > Blackberry > System > Media

tapi dua folder terakhir bersifat hidden alias tersembunyi. Di dalam File Manager , tekan tombol BB dan click Show Hidden (atau lihat tersembunyi kira-kira bahasa Indonesianya). Kemudian dalam folder Media, hapus file thumbs116x116.dat , thumbs480x480.dat. Setelah menghapus, cabut baterai dan lakukan boot ulang. Kemudian masuk ke Pictures dan biarkan si BB membangun ulang thumbnail tersebut. Semoga bisa membantu membebaskan memory di BB anda tanpa perlu memformat ulang.


Pontianak Snack Tau Suan

This is Tau Suan or split bean soup. Tau Suan or Lek Tau Suan is regular found in the dawn morning time, traditionally serve on "gerobak" or cart hawker. Traditionally a chinese culinary, a must have for all Pontianak City / Kundian traveller.

More information : Tau Suan / Split green bean soup


Whitney Houston Meninggal di Usia 48

Penyanyi superstar pop Whitney Houston meninggal dunia di usa ke 48 hari Sabtu Februari 11 2012 , di kamar hotel Beverly Hilton Hotel. Penyebab kematian hingga 24 jam berlalu masih belum dipastikan. Semenjak dekade terakhir Whitney Houston mulai mengendur di dalam karirnya dan jatuh ke jurang penggunaan obat-obatan dan depresei.

foto Whitney Houston, meninggal di usia 48

Whitney Houston pernah konser di Jakarta sekitar tahun 1992 ditemani suaminya Bobby Brown, di mana rumour internet beredar bahwa pernikahannya dengan penyanyi Bobby Brown ini yang menyebabkan terusiknya irama kehidupan Whitney. Mereka bercerai di tahun 2006. Di tahun-tahun terakhir Whitney dilaporkan mengalami banyak kemunduran dalam hal profesionalisme, terlambat hadir di interview , gagal tampil di acara konser dan lain-lain.

Whitney Houston adalah puteri dari penyanyi Gospel Cissy Houston dan John Houston. Perusahaan rekaman Arista dengan pencari bakat Clive Davis "menemukan" Whitney di awal era 80an. Whitney menjadi salah satu penyanyi pop paling sukses di era rekaman modern. Peraih penghargaan music terbanyak untuk penyanyi pop wanita, sekitar 400 award hingga tahun 2010. Lagu favoritnya adalah "I Will Always Love You". Dengan vocal range di Mezzo Soprano, statistik vocal Whitney adalah dari nada G3 hingga Bb5, dan menjadi standard industri dalam hal kontes vocal.

Twitter dari Mariah Carey menyatakan kesedihan Mariah atas kepergian sahabat penyanyinya.

@MariahCarey: Heartbroken and in tears over the shocking death of my friend, the incomparable Ms. Whitney Houston.... My heartfelt condolences to Whitney's family and to all her millions of fans throughout the world.... She will never be forgotten as one of the greatest voices to ever grace the earth.

Justin Bieber @justinbieber: just heard the news. so crazy. One of the GREATEST VOICES EVER just passed. RIP Whitney Houston. My prayers go out to her friends and family

La Toya Jackson @latoyajackson: I can't fathom the fact that #whitneyhouston has died! My heart goes out 2 her mother, daughter & her love ones. #Whitney U will be missed!

Link berita mengenai Whitney Houston:
Reaksi para selebriti terhadap kepergian Whitney Houston
Berita lengkap kematian Whitney Houston


Singkawang Cap Go Meh 2012 - Jackie Chan

The festive of the year of Singkawang's Cap Go Meh is hyped with a rumour that international actor Jackie Chan will be visiting the site. The festive will begin Saturday 4th February 2012 until 6th February 2012. The main attractions included a replica of Chinese Great Wall and Tatung attraction. By tradition on the eve of Cap Go Meh (Sunday 5th Feb) there will be a concentrated concert and celebration at Kridasana stadium. Finally the festive will be peak on the Cap Go Meh day (6th Feb) with a street festive of Tatungs.

For more information regarding Singkawang City and its festival, follow this link to Singkawang United Website.
Isu kedatangan aktor Jackie Chan ke Singkawang mewarnai perayaan Cap Go Meh 2012.
Rumor Jackie Chan hadir di Singkawang 2012

Rumor Jackie Chan mengunjungi Singkawang... hanya rumor belaka

History of Chinese Indonesian during Japanese occupation 1943

Here's a bit of excerpts from the book, "The Japanese Occupation of Borneo - 1941-1945" by Ooi Keat Gin. The excerpt describe the Pontianak Incident and Chinese Conspiracy events during that year. The evenst described the opposition and stuggle of locals and Chinese population to Japanese occupation. See the attached pages below.

The Japanese Occupation of Borneo 1941-1945 Ooi Keat Gin
Rising Sun over Borneo - The Japanese Occupation of Sarawak 1941-1945

Japanese Empire In Tropics, 2 Vol. Set: Selected Documents of Japanese Period in Sarawak, NW Borneo, 1941-1945 (Ohio RIS Southeast Asia Series)

Ini adalah cuplikan buku yang menceritakan usaha perlawanan pejuang Kalbar melawan Jepang sekitar tahun 1943. Juga dituliskan peristiwa yang menyeret ke tragedi Mandor.