
Enid Blyton Revisited - Article from 1953 Newspaper "The Blyton Story"

Another Enid Blyton article retrieved from old Australian column from online digitalized newspaper. This one from The Sunday Herald dated back to 1953. "The Blyton Story" was fascinating writing about Enid Blyton , read it yourself.

The Blyton Story - Enid Blyton old newspaper article retrieved from The Sunday Herald, May 3 1953 Australia

full text:

Review of "The Story of My Life" by Enid Blyton - Pitkin, London

Who is the most powerful person in the world today? Malenkov? Eisenhower?

You may not agree with me, but I think one of the main contenders for the title should be an English-woman, 5 ft 4 in of human dynamite named Enid Blyton. The reason? Her power over the minds of children.

She has written about 300 books for children, which have been translated into almost every language, including Russian and Japanese.

All over the world, children of both sexes rush for Miss Blyton’s books as fast as they become available.

She covers a wide field- school stories, family stories, animal stories, mystery stories. The age of her reading publick is from about three years to about 13 years.

Enid Blyton is something of a legend in the book trade.

There is nobody else quite in her class.

Her yearly earnings in Britain alone are estimated at about £22,000 sterling. That is a minimum estimate. Some say her total income is many times greater, but Miss BLyton does not reveal it.
All this is nothing compared with her power over the minds of children. Hitler was not alone in saying: “Give me the children up to the age of seven and they are mine for life.”

But he used his power for very different purpose. Enid Blyton is a wife and mother before everything else. She directs all her efforts, she says, towards peace.

“I think sometimes a woman CAN see more clearly than a man,” she said in a recent interview.
“Anyway, all the heroes in my stories are British, all the stories have British backgrounds and show the truth about our Christian way of life. So children in Japan and in the U.S.S.R. – the future generation- will know the truth about our empire…”

Miss Blyton’s books are pirated in Russia, but the loss of her Russian royalties doesn’t worry her at all.

Some time ago I took Nicky, a four-year-old boy tot, to the offices of a glossy London magazine devoted exclusively to the upbringing, welfare , and guidance of children.

The result was appaling. The staff behaved like hens in a hen-run faced with a dog fox.
This same tot is now six and a confirmed “lady hater.” I borrowed him from his mother, gave him “The Story of My Life” to read, and then took him to tea with Enid BLyton.

From the moment that he discovered a toffee (strong peppermint) in the cap of model of Enid Blyton’s best selling dwarf here , “Little Noddy”, the interview was a push-over. They were mad about each other, had to be chipped apart at about 7.30.

Enid Blyton is near 50, at a guess, although the date of her birth is not given in “Who’s Who,” where the palce of birth is registered as Dulwich. She has two daughters, Imogen and Gillian.

Writing is in the Blyton bloodstream. Her father and uncle were contributors to the famous “Yellow Book” of the naughty nineties. [For those born after 1886: “The Yellow Book” was a miscellany published in the nineties – stamping ground of Oscar Wilde, Lord Alfred Douglas, Aubrey Beardsley, and other.]

Her autobiography reveals that, as a child, Enid easily topped her class in “essay, composition, and story-writing.”

She used to tell herself stories in bed, kept a diary, adored letter-writing (she still tries to answer her thousands of fan letter herself, having no secretary), and at the age of 14 won a prize from the great Arthur Mee himself for a poem.

Her family was not crazy about her longing to be a writer and scowled at the rejection slips that fell daily on the Blyton doormat.

“In the end I was so ashamed I used to creep down early and collect my poor long envelopes before anyone was up…” she says.

Equally strangely the book trade did not reach quickly to her first story strips.

She was writing under the name of “Mary Pollock,” and eventually persuaded a dour Scottish printer to set them ip for her. The result was highly satisfactory to one and all, and the Mary Pollock books are still selling.

Her father intended her for a musical career. So he entered her at the Guildhall School of Music. She suddenly realised that, instead she wanted to be a kindergarten teacher. She knew it would help her to write for children.

Blazing with this discovery, she put through a long distance call to her father. He was shattered.
“Why must you be so head-strong, Enid?” he said.

Enid’s reply was characteristic: “Please, if you love me, let me do this…”.
So that was that.

In private life Enid Blyton is Mrs. Darrel-Waters, in appearance as sound and whole some as a ripe apple,with masses of naturally curly hair.

She is full of powerful vitality, talks with immense pride of her daughters (one has just become an M.A. of St. Andrew’s University, the other is captain of her house lacrosse team at Benenden).
Her doctor husband arrived home before I manage to drag Nicky away, He told me: “She really is a wife and mother before anything else.”

The last word should really remain with Nicky, who clutching models of Little Noddy and Big Ears to his bosom, together with a jigsaw puzzle called “Noddy at the Races” and what seemed to me like 50 books with titles like “The Big Noddy Book” and “A Prize for Marry Mouse,” remarked as the car lurched out into the road:” A very nice lady.”

“But, Nicky, I though you hated ladies,” I said.
“SOME ladies,” said Nicky with immense scorn.
Nancy Spain (Air Mail from London)

Lihat Juga Link-link di blog ini mengenai Enid Blyton:
- Enid Blyton Revisit Part 1Part 2 - Foto Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Petualangan - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Lima Sekawan - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Pasukan Mau Tahu - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Komplotan - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Empat Serangkai - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Empat Petualang - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Sapta Siaga - Enid Blyton
Lost Poetries of Enid Blyton
- The Blyton Story - 1953 Newspaper article about Enid Blyton


Enid Blyton (Lost) Poetry Found in Newspaper from 1925

After digging much about Enid Blyton from old newspaper published in Australia via online digitized website, I had found some interesting findings. Here are sample of some Enid Blyton poetries published in the newspaper on the Kangaroo continent:

The Wedding In the Woods - Enid Blyton

Of all the five poetry books on Enid Blyton compilation of poetry, I can't find this poems. So I guess this is rather rare, maybe this are insert in some of Enid's novel, but also can be a never published before.  The poem found in The Northern Star, Wednesday October 21, 1925, Enid would just published eight books according to her bibliography here.

The Wedding In the Woods - Contributed by Enid Blyton,
The Northern Star 1925 - Australia

The text started with ...

Oh! swing the harebells up and down until
          they gaily ring,
And go tell all the little birds their sweetest
          song, to sing

For dainty Goldilocks to-day is wedding
..... and so on

I just put the text into this picture for better view:

A Morning Call - by Enid Blyton
To Nurse - by Enid Blyton
published in "The Brisbane Courier" 1924 Australia Newspaper
appeared in the book "Real Fairies" - buy it HERE at Amazon

Two poems from Enid Blyton very earliest book "Real Fairies" - Poems, 1923. They are published in The Brisbane Courier 1924, which is under the column "For the Children".

"A Morning Call" and "To Nurse", two poems of Enid Blyton found in old newspaper "The Brisbane Courier" 1924.

The Apple Song - poem by Enid Blyton
published in "The Advocate, 1944" Australia Newspaper
appeared in "The Enid Blyton Poetry Book" - buy it HERE at Amazon

Found in The Advocate Monday May 8 1944, under the Children's Corner column. The poem said to be winning Weekly Prize. The Apple Song can be found in the compilation book of "The Enid Blyton Poetry Book".

"The Apple Song" - poem by Enid Blyton, found its appearance in "The Advocate" 1944, Australian newspaper

The One-Legged Stool - by Enid Blyton
published in "The Advocate, 1945" Australia Newspaper
appeared in the book "Silver and Gold" (1927) - buy it HERE at Amazon

It was posted in The Advocate on Monday August 13, 1945 Australia. It was in the Children's Corner column. The poem The One-Legged Stool said to be winning Special Prize: 6-11 years.

The One Legged Stool by Enid Blyton
The Advocate 1945

Lihat Juga Link-link di blog ini mengenai Enid Blyton:
- Enid Blyton Revisit Part 1Part 2 - Foto Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Petualangan - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Lima Sekawan - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Pasukan Mau Tahu - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Komplotan - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Empat Serangkai - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Empat Petualang - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Sapta Siaga - Enid Blyton
- Lost Poetries of Enid Blyton

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Novel Seri Empat Petualang - Enid Blyton

Seri Empat Petualang dari pengarang terkenal Enid Blyton adalah yang paling sedikit bukunya. Hanya ada 2 buku di seri Empat Petualang ini. Judul asli dari seri ini adalah The Adventurous Four. Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, kedua buku diterjemahkan dengan judul yang lebih menarik, yaitu buku pertama berjudul "Gua Penyelundup" dan buku kedua "Pangkalan Rahasia".
Empat Petualang bercerita tentang Jill, Mary, Tom, dan Andy. Jill dan Mary adalah saudara kembar, Tom adalah abang tertuanya. Andy adalah si anak nelayan yang menjadi sahabat mereka. Dengan latar belakang karakter demikian, cerita Empat Petualang mengikuti template seperti di seri Komplotan (Barney Series) dan Empat Serangkai (Secret Series), di mana karakternya adalah kakak beradik + 1 karakter non keluarga, seperti Jack dan Barney.

Dua buku Empat Petualang diterjemahkan oleh penerbit Gramedia di Indonesia di tahun 1980an. Selanjutnya Enid Blyton sebenarnya juga menulis cerita pendek dengan tokoh Jill, Mary, Tom dan Andy, berjudul The Adventurous Four Omnibus. Pengarang Clive Dickinson mengembangkan cerita pendek ini menjadi satu novel , yaitu buku ketiga berjudul The Adventurous Four : Trapped. Sayang sepertinya buku ini tidak ada terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia nya.

Two books of The Adventurous Four were translated into Bahasa Indonesia. Again, the local publisher retitled the two books to make it more appeal to readers. The first book retitled as "Secret Base" and the second as "The Smuggler Cave". The third book by Clive Dickinson, The Adventurous Four :Trapped! never appeared in Bahasa Indonesia.

Tokoh Empat Petualang :
Jill, Mary, Tom, Andy

The Adventurous Four (Shipwrecked!)
Pangkalan Rahasia
The Adventurous Four Again (Stranded!)
Gua Penyelundup

Cover sampul buku Empat Petualang dari edisi aslinya berbahasa Inggris, karya Enid Blyton

The Adventurous Four cover design in Bahasa Indonesia version, printed in the '80s

Lihat Juga Link-link di blog ini mengenai Enid Blyton:
- Enid Blyton Revisit Part 1Part 2 - Foto Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Petualangan - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Lima Sekawan - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Pasukan Mau Tahu - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Komplotan - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Empat Serangkai - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Empat Petualang - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Sapta Siaga - Enid Blyton

tags: download novel buku, unduh ebook enid blyton gratis, komik buku jadul delapan puluhan , jadul 1980an, nostalgia masa kecil, baca buku enid blyton


Novel Seri Empat Serangkai - Enid Blyton

Ini juga merupakan seri novel petualangan remaja yang lebih jarang dibaca yang ditulis oleh Enid Blyton. Dalam bahasa aslinya seri Empat Serangkai disebut sebagai the Secret Series. Semua judul originalnya dimulai dengan kata Secret of ........ Empat Serangkai terdiri dari 3 bersaudara Peggy, Mike dan Nora Arnold. Mereka ditemani Jack yang sangat pemberani , petualang dan banyak akalnya. Di buku pertama, Pulau Rahasia, keempat serangkai tidak bercerita tentang petualangan mereka menumpas kejahatan, namun di buku ini berpusat pada tema survival. Empat Serangkai terpaksa minggat ke pulau rahasia karena tidak tahan dengan kehidupan mereka yang susah setelah orang tua keluarga Arnold menghilang. Peggy,Mike dan Nora dipaksa hidup di rumah paman dan bibi mereka yang suka bully dan semena-mena. Bersama Jack mereka minggat ke Pulau Rahasia. Buku pertama ini hanya bercerita tentang bagaimana mereka bertahan hidup, namun Enid Blyton berhasil membuat tema sederhana ini menjadi kaya dan endingnya pun mengharukan.

Baru setelah di buku kedua, hadir lah karakter Pangeran Paul dari kerajaan Baronia. Dengan lima tokoh ini, petualangan Empat Serangkai selanjutnya punya keunikan yaitu adalah sosok pangeran Paul yang bisa membuka peluang petualangan mereka menjadi luar biasa, ada unsur politik dan mereka pun punya resources yang berlimpah.

Enid Blyton hanya menulis 5 buku original mengenai Empat Serangkai. Di tahun 2009 Trevor J. Bolton menulis sequel keenam berjudul "The Secret Valley". Gramedia menerbitkan semua buku Empat Serangkai di tahun 1980an, namun sepertinya tidak ada lagi cetak ulang di era 2010s.

The Secret Series from Enid Blyton is also lesser known in Indonesian readers. The series translated as "Empat Serangkai" or Four Friends. All books titles easily translated into Bahasa Indonesia without alterations. This book characterized with the present of Prince Paul character, which make their adventure become geographically more wide (across Europe) and unlimited resources. Unfortunately there are no new print edition from this series going on in Bahasa Indonesia.

Karakter Empat Serangkai:
Peggy Arnold, Mike Arnold, Nora Arnold, Jack, Prince Paul of Baronia

Daftar Judul Buku Empat Serangkai Enid Blyton
Pulau Rahasia
Rahasia Lorong Spiggy
Gunung Rahasia
    The Secret of Killimooin (The Secret Forest)
Rahasia Pegunungan Killimooin
Rahasia Kastil Bulan

The cover design of The Secret Series translated into Bahasa Indonesia as Empat Serangkai, Enid Blyton - 1980s era.

contoh cover design The Secret Series dari seri Empat Serangkai - Enid Blyton dari bahasa Inggris

the new cover design edition of The Secret Series by Enid Blyton
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Lihat Juga Link-link di blog ini mengenai Enid Blyton:
- Enid Blyton Revisit Part 1, Part 2 - Foto Enid Blyton
- Novel Seri Petualangan - Enid Blyton
- Novel Seri Lima Sekawan - Enid Blyton
- Novel Seri Pasukan Mau Tahu - Enid Blyton
- Novel Seri Komplotan - Enid Blyton
- Novel Seri Empat Serangkai - Enid Blyton
- Novel Seri Empat Petualang - Enid Blyton
- Novel Seri Sapta Siaga - Enid Blyton

tags: download novel buku, unduh ebook enid blyton gratis, komik buku jadul delapan puluhan , jadul 1980an, nostalgia masa kecil, baca buku enid blyton

Novel Seri Komplotan - Enid Blyton

Seri "Komplotan" dari Enid Blyton merupakan seri novel petualangan remaja yang cukup unik. Dibanding dengan seri Lima Sekawan, Sapta Siaga, Petualangan atau Pasukan Mau Tahu, seri Komplotan terbilang lebih jarang dibahas. Seri aslinya berjudul the Barney Series, atau the "R" Mysteries series, karena semua judulnya berhuruf dengan R. Seri ini sangat unik karena bertema tentang anak-anak remaja yang lebih "liar" situasinya. Karakter menarik di seri ini adalah si Snubby yang memelihara anjing bernama Loony. Kemudian karakter protagonis utama si Barney dengan monyetnya si Miranda. Mereka ditemani Roger dan adiknya Diana. Ini merupakan seri yang tokoh puterinya hanya satu. Tema cerita lebih berpusat pada si Barney yang merupakan karakter pengelana dan petualangan-petualangan mereka lebih seru dan kelam.

Hanya ada 6 buku dalam serial ini, dan semua diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia dengan judul yang lebih gampang diterima. Daftar judul bisa dilihat di tabel di bawah. Sayangnya, Gramedia sepertinya tidak lagi mencetak ulang serial ini.

The Barney Series is considered underrated series from Enid Blyton for Indonesia reader. They are not very popular compared to Famous Five and Adventure series. The series being translated into Bahasa Indonesia dan all re-titled to make it more acceptable in Bahasa Indonesia. The series are more dark in theme, centralized to Snubby and Barney character. Unfortunately it seems the series are not in re-print by Indonesia publisher any more.

Seri Komplotan / Barney "R" Mysteries Series by Enid Blyton.
Karakter utama:
Roger Lynton (14) , Diana Lynton (13), Snubby (Peter 11), Barney (Barnabas 15)
Loony (Jet Black Spaniel), Miranda (Monkey)

    The Rockingdown Mystery (1949)
Komplotan Bawah Tanah / Underground Gang
    The Rilloby Fair Mystery (1950)
Komplotan Tangan Hijau / Green Hand Gang
    The Ring O'Bells Mystery (1951)
Komplotan Penculik / Kidnap Gang
    The Rubadub Mystery (1951)
Komplotan Pencuri Senjata / Weapon Smug Gang
    The Rat-a-Tat Mystery (1952)
Komplotan Tukang Sabot / Hijaack Gang
    The Ragamuffin Mystery (1959)
Komplotan Perampok Bank / Bank Robbers Gang

Cover design of Seri Komplotan (Barney R Mystery) books in Bahasa Indonesia

Contoh design cover seri Komplotan dari Enid Blyton dalam bahasa Inggris, ini adalah cover design dari berbagai edisi

Lihat Juga Link-link di blog ini mengenai Enid Blyton:
- Enid Blyton Revisit Part 1Part 2 - Foto Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Petualangan - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Lima Sekawan - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Pasukan Mau Tahu - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Komplotan - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Empat Serangkai - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Empat Petualang - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Sapta Siaga - Enid Blyton
Lost Poetry of Enid Blyton
The Blyton Story - 1953 article about Enid Blyton
tags: download novel buku, unduh ebook enid blyton gratis, komik buku jadul delapan puluhan , jadul 1980an, nostalgia masa kecil, baca buku enid blyton

Novel Seri Sapta Siaga - Enid Blyton

Selain seri-seri petualangan remaja yang ditulis dalam format buku yang tebal seperti Lima Sekawan, Pasukan Mau Tahu dan Petualangan, Enid Blyton juga menulis serial yang lebih ringan dan tipis bukunya. Seri tersebut adalah seri Sapta Siaga, atau dalam bahasa Inggris, The Secret Seven series.

Sapta Siaga bercerita tentang klub detektif yang terdiri dari tujuh remaja. Ketuanya adalah Peter. Ada enam teman lainnya yang masing-masing merupakan karakter unik dalam cerita. Mereka ditemani seekor anjing English Cocker Spaniel bernama Scamper. Sapta Siaga ceritanya lebih ringkas dan plotnya lebih cepat. Ciri khas dari cerita ini adalah diawali dengan rapat klub detektif dan mereka secara aktif mencari kasus-kasus untuk dipecahkan. Keunikan lain dari seri ini adalah, semua kegiatan petualangan dilakukan di masa persekolahan, jadi tidak seperti Lima Sekawan dll yang diceritakan di masa liburan.

Ada 15 buku Sapta Siaga dan semua diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Serial ini adalah salah satu serial yang popular dari Enid Blyton. Serial ini juga ada dalam kumpulan cerpen "Secret Seven: Short Story Collection" yang baru dipublikasi tahun 1997, berisi 7 cerpen tambahan mengenai Sapta Siaga, termasuk sejarah terbentuknya Sapta Siaga.

The Secret Seven has been translated into Bahasa Indonesia under the series title "Sapta Siaga". Most of the books being retitled to give them more adventurous feel, such as Secret Seven Adventure translated as "The Secret of Round Trail". Well Done Secret Seven translated as "The Secret of Red Axe" and so on. The series has been reprinted many times and still going on up to date.

Sapta Siaga:
Peter, Janet, Jack, Pamela, Barbara, Colin, George
Scamper (English Cocker Spaniel)

Judul Buku

    The Secret Seven (1949)
    Secret Seven Adventure (1950)
Rahasia Jejak Bundar
    Well Done Secret Seven (1951)
Memecahkan Rahasia Kapak Merah
    Secret Seven on the Trail (1952)
Mencari Jejak
    Go Ahead Secret Seven (1953)
Mencari Anjing Hilang
    Good Work Secret Seven (1954)
Komplotan Misterius
    Secret Seven Win Through (1955)
Gua Rahasia
    Three Cheers Secret Seven (1956)
Rahasia Rumah Kosong
    Secret Seven Mystery (1957)
Tuduhan Palsu
    Puzzle for the Secret Seven (1958)
Misteri Biola Kuno
    Secret Seven Fireworks (1959)
Bermain Api
    Good Old Secret Seven (1960)
Gara-Gara Teleskop
    Shock for the Secret Seven (1961)
Keributan Sesama Kawan
    Look Out Secret Seven (1962)
Membela Teman
    Fun for the Secret Seven (1963)
Menerima Tanda Jasa

First edition of Secret Seven in Bahasa Indonesia, printed in '80
The 2000s edition of Secret Seven / Sapta Siaga, printed in '00

The latest cover design of Enid Blyton's Secret Seven series or Sapta Siaga in Bahasa Indonesia
They are in digital art

Lihat Juga Link-link di blog ini mengenai Enid Blyton:
- Enid Blyton Revisit Part 1Part 2 - Foto Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Petualangan - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Lima Sekawan - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Pasukan Mau Tahu - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Komplotan - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Empat Serangkai - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Empat Petualang - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Sapta Siaga - Enid Blyton

tags: download novel buku, unduh ebook enid blyton gratis, komik buku jadul delapan puluhan , jadul 1980an, nostalgia masa kecil, baca buku enid blyton


Novel Seri Pasukan Mau Tahu - Enid Blyton

Enid Blyton (1897-1968) yang merupakan pengarang terkenal dari Inggris juga mengarang serial misteri yang fokus kepada sosok detektif remaja. Seri ini dikenal sebagai Five Find Outers atau Mystery Series dan diterjemahkan sebagai Pasukan Mau Tahu. Pasukan Mau Tahu terdiri dari lima remaja, Fatty yang merupakan detektif dan karakter utama, lalu Larry, Pip, Daisy dan Bets. Serial ini merupakan serial yang fokus kepada cerita detektif, tidak sekedar anak remaja bertemu petualangan secara tak sengaja. Fatty adalah identik dengan Sherlock Holmes versi Enid Blyton dan versi remaja. Fatty sangat cerdas dalam menganalisis kasus, pintar penyamaran dan menciptakan barang aneh-aneh dan secara fisik dia gemuk. Dia sedikit suka menyombongkan kepintarannya. Fatty bisa dibandingkan dengan tokoh dari serial Three Investigators / Trio Detektif , Jupiter Jones. Mereka juga ditemani Buster, si anjing Scottish Terrier yang lincah.

Enid Blyton mengarang 15 buku serial Pasukan Mau Tahu dan semuanya diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Serial ini juga cukup popular sehingga setiap cetak ulang, serial Pasukan Mau Tahu selalu ikut dicetak ulang.

The Five Find-Outers has been translated into Bahasa Indonesia as "Pasukan Mau Tahu", literally mean "Curious Squad" or something like that. All 15 books were translated and they are gone to new edition almost every 10 years. This is the series where Enid Blyton focus on detective story, Fatty is the main protagonist along with his 4 friends and Buster the Scottish Terrier. Fatty is young Sherlockian detective and can be compared to Three Investigator's Jupiter Jones. All books title translations are quite faithful to the English version.

Tokoh Pasukan Mau Tahu:
Larry (Laurence Daykin 13)
Fatty (Frederick Trotteville 12)
Pip (Philip Hilton 12)
Daisy (Margaret Daykin 12)
Bets (Elizabeth Hilton 8)

01. Misteri Pondok Yang Terbakar
    The Mystery of the Disappearing Cat (1944)
02. Misteri Kucing Siam
    The Mystery of the Secret Room (1945)
03. Misteri Kamar Tersembunyi
    The Mystery of the Spiteful Letters (1946)
04. Misteri Surat Kaleng
    The Mystery of the Missing Necklace (1947)
05. Misteri Kalung Curian
    The Mystery of the Hidden House (1948)
06. Misteri Gedung Tua
    The Mystery of the Pantomime Cat (1949)
07. Misteri Di Teater Kecil
    The Mystery of the Invisible Thief (1950)
08. Misteri Pencuri Siluman
    The Mystery of the Vanished Prince (1951)
09. Misteri Pangeran Asing
    The Mystery of the Strange Bundle (1952)
10. Misteri Bungkusan Aneh
    The Mystery of Holly Lane (1953)
11. Misteri Di Holly Lane
12. Misteri Di Tally Ho
    The Mystery of the Missing Man (1956)
13. Misteri Penyamar Ulung
    The Mystery of the Strange Messages (1957)
14. Misteri Berita Aneh
15. Misteri Rumah Setan

The Latest cover design of Five Find Outers / Pasukan Mau Tahu in Bahasa Indonesia

The Original Pasukan Mau Tahu which printed in '80s, illustration by Jenny Chappie
then the '2000s edition illustrations by Treyer Evans 

The Misteri of Missing Necklace , The Mystery of Tally-Ho, The Mystery of Disappearing Cat

Lihat Juga Link-link di blog ini mengenai Enid Blyton:
- Enid Blyton Revisit Part 1Part 2 - Foto Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Petualangan - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Lima Sekawan - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Pasukan Mau Tahu - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Komplotan - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Empat Serangkai - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Empat Petualang - Enid Blyton
Novel Seri Sapta Siaga - Enid Blyton

tags: download novel buku, unduh ebook enid blyton gratis, komik buku jadul delapan puluhan , jadul 1980an, nostalgia masa kecil, baca buku enid blyton